Wednesday 27 August 2014

#24HCD2014 signed up

I've just realised the annual challenge that is 24Hr Comic Day is fast approaching.

This year the challenge will take place on Saturday 4th October, and I'll be making the attempt to devise, pencil, ink and upload a 24 page comic in 24 hours.
There are plenty of places running the event this year, but I prefer some home comforts, and will be working in my cellar... or my allotment shed if the weather is good.
Sign up for online participation like I'm doing is through the webform here

Last year I failed, and only managed to ink up 8 pages of a "Hellboy" short...
This year... who knows.

Sunday 17 August 2014

really really old

I had a rummage in the basement and found a couple of pictures from my first proper year as a freelance illustrator, 1989. Amongst the advertising drafts for for Estate Agents', and a more ethical poster for a workers collective "the Tree of Life", I found some more Dragons.
If I remember rightly this was a story about a dragon adopted by chickens...
I don't think I ever managed to sell it, but It was instrumental in landing me Deema's Dragon job through my agent Eva Morris, who's office in Covent Garden was just a stone's throw from the Jisc offices.
I think perhaps all this nostalgia is being driven by Dom's imminent relocation to Farnham to study Film Production, and the realisation that things will be suddenly different here.

I was obviously better with the watercolour in those days... nice clouds...

Dragon inked up

I was going to the allotment to do a bit of tidying up, but it poured down, so I'm stuck inside watching mythbusters and inking up "d is for dragon... quite fond of his gold"

If the rain continues I'll be colouring it too.

Paper is Fine Grain 200gsm stuff inks are Copic Ciao and Micron pigment markers.

d is for dragon

of course it is...

I've been drawing dragons forever... in fact one of the fist things I did for proper cash money was a book called Deema's Dragon for Collins. I worked on it before my younger son Dom was born... Dom is now 18 and heading off to Uni.

this latest "d is for dragon"looks a fair bit like another one I did for Collins...

...and I guess the recent ninja dinosaurs and Godzilla have merely been dragons in another form.
I think I may have some REALLY early dragon sketches from waaaay back in the eighties in the basement. If I find them I'll post them.

Saturday 16 August 2014

Coloured in b or u

Back from holiday, where I'd planned to do at least a drawing a day, but in fact I did nothing whilst away.
I've started on the 'c' is for castle, but am more interested in the 'd' is for dragon, so much so that it could end up as an a-d book.
Anyway here's the coloured in 'b' ( or 'u' for unicorn... Or 'n' for not very good, try again )

that said I actually DO like the orc on the right...

Saturday 2 August 2014

B is for banner- inked up

I sketched up a couple of 'b is for battles' but they were all a bit too fiddly. I thought I'd go with what I had and ink up the banner pic. I'll add some colour tomorrow, and try and make the orcish chain mail look less like tie dye tee shirts.