Thursday 18 November 2010

Covered - FAIL

The Batman and Scarecrow cover I drew with Dom as a submission to Covered was rejected :( but never mind, because it means I can put it up here.
I think it's pretty good, though I prefer the black and white version to the swirly coloured finished item.
What do you reckon?

And our Black and white base picture:

Monday 8 November 2010

Fists of Fury 2

I've finished my Nick Fury sketch for this weeks ten ton sketch challenge.
All done with real ink, DELETER no.3 and a Saji nib.

Sunday 7 November 2010


Whilst I only managed to dash off a pencil sketch for last weeks 10 ton sketch challenge, I found it really enjoyable.. the style felt right for me, unforced. I thought I'd try something similar this week for Nick Fury .. it's not gone as smoothly, but it has been a quick sketch and ink process,all done while watching iplayer with Dom, then inked whilst hiding from "Downton Abbey".
I took a pic with my phone, so not sure how it'll look here:

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Back in the swing of things

This week the 10 ton sketch challenge is GROO the wanderer. Sergio Aragones created this chap, and anything Aragones does is ok by me.
I used to avidly collect the MAD books that collected his cartoons, even though at age 8 I didn't understand the references to policemen beating up protestors, OR the people playing dice in alleys.
Pencil sketch is done.
Inks will have to get done tonight.. though that's not looking likely so it may just be this pencil sketch.