Friday 4 October 2013

#24HCD2013 preparing the way

I'm off today and Monday to prepare and recover from #24HCD.
I've been running this blog for about 3 years now, and seen some 40 thousand visitors, and the most popular post by far is the first post I did for #24HCD 2011,
which is odd, because it's not really about 24 Hour Comic Day, but about my previous career as an illustrator.
SO for #24HCD 2013 I'm planning to relax a little, mainly due to the Glenlivet I'm drinking to fend off my cold.
I'm planning to do a HellBoy story, and have prepared by reading Mignola's 'Baltimore'
The story is ok, the artwork acceptable, but mainly I feel "I could do that"
So  I will.
#24HCD for me starts at about 10am tomorrow.
In the spirit of #24HCD I've no idea what the story will entail, except that it'll have a big red guy in in.

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