Wednesday 24 June 2015

30 drawing apps in 30 days- day 15 Penultimate for Evernote

Penultimate is more of a note taking app than a true drawing app.
It doesn't have layers, but can import an image, which you can scribble on (note scribble).
It has a single pen with nib sizes in 01, 02, 05, 07, and 09, and a range of bold colours.
It has a chisel point highlighter in 02, 04 and 06 - though these numbers are pretty random as far as I can tell, as the highlighter is always far wider. The ink applied with the highlighter is transparent, and building layers and overlaps, even in the same stroke, multiplies the colour intensity.
The Chisel tip seems to angle itself pretty randomly too, though I guess it may take some data from the Jot active stylus it is designed for use with... I don't have a jot stylus.
Zoom function is pretty mad, it is initiated by the familiar two finger pinch, and opens a zoom pane.

The pane indicates which part of the image it is zoomed on, and can be resized a bit.
It works, but seems a bit weird compared to all the other zoom tools I've tried.

The eraser is a single size tip, but seems to take it's cue from the line it is erasing, so highlighter gets removed in sections from the path of the highlighted area... which leads to mixed results.
There is a cut tool which again seems to be a little inconsistent in which bits it includes within it's lasso of truth.

Exports to Evernote as a note, and can send a .pdf to Dropbox, but no real image export.
Overall seems pretty meh when compared to similar tools like Notability, but I guess if you just need to annotate a picture or somesuch it has the bonus of being integrated with Evernote.

Today's picture challenge, was to draw a chair:

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