Wednesday 20 May 2009

Low tech Kuta sketch

So I had a good day in Sunny Coventry talking about technical standards for educational stuff, and after a pie and a pint of McEwans Champion, I thought I'd have a bash at some sketches for the Kuta competiton.... Only to see the awesome work of RAWLS.

So feeling slightly inadeqaute, I thought I'd better take another tack, and decided to go for the Kuta after hours feel.. watching TV, drinking tea in his vest and boxers. I did a quick sketch, and because I'm stuck 140 miles from home don't have access to my scanner, or tablet to finish the work.. so for the time being have just uploaded the pencil sketch....(from a photo taken with my trusty duck tape covered powershot)
More as and when I get access to my gear... though I'm tempted to ink it up in real ink...


  1. haha...I love it! I especially like his tiny little tea cup! Nice work my friend, I'm glad you decided to do one despite my feeble attempt!

  2. hahahahaha i would have never thought Kuta would ever be caught watching tv, but you busted him. awesome take on him, man!
