Saturday 28 September 2013

#24HCD2013 24 Hour Comic Day 2013 - Saturday Oct 5th

Doesn't seem like a year since the last 24 Hour Comic day.
This year I have a bit more kit to call upon in the form of a Cintiq, and a jolly little macbook air. However. I feel like I may go old school just paper and ink. One of the things I enjoyed doing the most this year in terms of artwork was the black and white flip-chart pictures for graphic facilitating the Analytics workshops.
I found the large scale flip-chart paper was really pleasing to use, and the Copic Ciao pens were really fast.
I will check to see if I have enough paper and pen power to bash out 24 pages.

As always the idea is to think up, write, pencil, ink, letter and publish 24 pages in 24 hours, NO PREP, except making sure the pens and paper are ready.

best tidy my desk....

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